Joanna and Gene had some touch and go moments with their wedding. First thing to go wrong was the airline sending their luggage to Bogota! The bag had tons of essential wedding day items like the grooms clothing, brides shoes, etc.
They started the day with a traditional tea ceremony at the villa. The weather was awful! The photographer described it as “snowing” – it was a very misty and wet morning and if you didn’t know any better, it looked like winter in the Midwest! Both the officiate and the photographer wanted to move the ceremony to the villa instead of Hawksnest Beach as originally planned. But we had a lot of guests spread out throughout the island and little ways of getting a hold of them to tell them of the location change. I was pretty confident that the sun would come out so we proceeded as planned.
And the bag was delivered the night before, and the sun did come out! Island Bliss brides have the best karma…
A funny side story – Joanna wasn’t the only one with touch & go moments on her wedding day. We brought our truck to set up the ceremony since we had chairs and a large, heavy bamboo aisle. We had to drive through a lot of rain to get to the ceremony site and once we turned the truck off, it wouldn’t start again! By time the ceremony was over though, it had dried out and started up for us again. Phew! A Sunday morning on St. John with a broken down vehicle was not going to be a fun day! Joanna & Gene…I wish you the best of luck on your marriage – you jumped through enough obstacles on your wedding day! =)
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