You wouldn’t believe the amount of requests I am getting for cupcakes instead of wedding cakes. I’m kind of pushing the idea a little myself, as they are SO much easier to serve on the beach. Cupcake towers are becoming more and more popular and attractive as well. We just ordered an acrylic one to use for weddings, but as I was snooping around Etsy today, I came across a seller that is making customized cupcake stands. Much more colorful and festive than our new acrylic one! I’d love to buy one of these but I think I would have to order like 30 of them to coordinate with all the different color schemes we work with. The one pictured above is from STUDIOofWHIMSY

And yes, I know. I’ve been seriously MIA from this blog. I think I had what? One? Two? posts for February. Pathetic. My excuses? An illness that hit me, my hubby and two kids (hello antibiotics)…visitors from the North (trying to escape the cold), a trip to the North (wanted to show the kids what it felt like to be cold!) and my birthday (that takes a couple of days to recover from!). So my deepest apologies. I’ve been a blog slacker. Really hope to make it up to everyone in March. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day (on the 17th) I’m going to set the very unrealistic goal of blogging at least 17 times in the month of March! Let’s see if I can do it…I know I have 17 posts worthy to blog! Now to find the time… =)