This was seriously the title of an email I had in my inbox this morning, sent from the folks at It really made me chuckle, so I thought I would share it here (hey, I’m in the business right? Proposals are a good thing…)
Wedding Day Away’s Countdown To Valentine’s
How To Get Him to Propose.
Everybody must have heard the love comes first and then comes the marriage. Getting a guy to propose has never been easy and will not be so in the future also. It is no because the guy does not like or even worse he may be scared of the marriage commitment. Most of the time, guys just are not that great at thinking the situation through and seeing how important it is getting married is to their girlfriends. Some of the methods to on how to get you propose to you are given below.
Approach It In the Right Way
You’ve been seeing a great guy for quite awhile (five years, five days, but who’s counting?) when you realize he’s the one. Single lady, you’re ready to put a ring on it.
Unfortunately, he’s not so swift on the engagement uptake. So how do you get him to pop the question before you pop from frustration?
We should point out that most psychologists and family therapists advise against manipulating or coercing anyone into an engagement. Instead, they urge honest and open communication with your fiancé-to-be.
“I don’t think anybody should be trying to get their boyfriend to propose to them,” says marriage and family therapist Cory Honickman, whose website, the Marriage Prep Adventure Series, coaches couples before they tie the knot. “That’s a huge red flag,” she adds.
Still, a little nudge can’t hurt, right? Real women were asked how they got their husbands to propose. Here are some of their surprising answers:
You know how guys never look at maps or consult instruction or assembly manuals, it is not because they know what they are doing, but it is because they hate to be told what to do. This is as true about their personal lives as it is about the new household implements. In case after a certain period of time you thing that he is not going to commit himself to the marriage then it probably time for some action. Of course no women would like to face this situation and bring the marriage issue in an eyeball to eyeball confrontation; of course this happens only in very extreme cases. Every woman prefers the boy friend to propose to her rather than coaxing her boyfriend to do so. And if you wish succeed in that Endeavour it takes honest communication.
Don’t be too eager.
A 32-year-old married lady in Los Angeles brags that she was insistent on a long courtship, which seemed to spur her boyfriend on the engagement track. “I actually told him I didn’t want to be married until we hit the two-year dating mark,” she says. “Maybe that helped?” Guess so, since he proposed right on schedule.
One New York woman, who’s been happily married for more than 40 years, offers this advice on snagging a ring: “I found the best thing with my boyfriend – now husband – was to have an inordinate and unreasonable amount of patience,” she says. “I knew he was the one, but I didn’t rush him. I knew he’d come around.”
Bake him a chicken.
There’s something about an aromatic hot meal that leaves men drooling for more – of you! In 2004, Glamour magazine published a famous recipe for “engagement chicken,” which gained cult status because of the many proposals this fabulous fowl supposedly produced. Many women swear that baking this chicken is what finally made their boyfriends seem them as “wife” material.
Sounds a bit sexist/Mad Men to us. But hey, if you’re in a hurry to hit the aisle, it can’t hurt to turn on the oven once in awhile.
A 32-year-old occupational therapist said that she came across the recipe while dating her husband-to-be.
“I do admit to making it once, although nothing could get my husband to propose any faster,” she says. “It took him four years of dating, three years of living together and a joint real estate purchase.”
Aha – that sounds a lot more 2010. But who knows, maybe the bird got the ball rolling?
Much of the material above has has sourced from an article by Carrie Seim on
This is Carrie Seim — you need to give me full credit at the top of this article, which you have copied almost in its entirety. Thank you for contacting me ASAP: