Have I shared this site with you before? I love it, I think it’s an awesome idea for brides. It’s basically a website with some really cool ideas for table decor…and then you can buy elements of the table such as the votive, vases, sand dollars, etc. Or just copy the idea and buy them on your own. Not only do I think it’s genius, their style is so fresh and modern. Check out some of their designs:
A lot of brides ask me if they have to purchase everything for the reception decor or if there are items to rent. The answer is always “yes and no”. It really depends on what you have in mind. Between myself and the florist, we have a lot of elements for rent, but it’s just impossible to own & store every single option out there. An upcoming bride of mine was the one that shared this website with me and she is planning to recreate the image with the blue planters. The florist nor myself own anything like those, but the bride was able to purchase very similar planters at her local craft store and will be sending them down. Another bride of mine wants a very similar look, so we have purchased them from the first bride and will reuse them for the 2nd bride and keep them on hand for anyone else that wants something similar. With limited resources on the island, I think it’s fun for our brides to connect and share the different options!
i love this website! great ideas!