If you have been waiting for an email from me, please check your spam folder to see if my response got caught up in there. I’ve been using Yahoo Small Business services since I started Island Bliss Weddings and I think Yahoo has done something recently to upgrade their spam filters. Unfortunately, I’m getting a lot of bridal emails in my spam folder and I know a lot of the emails I am sending out are getting caught in spam folders as well. Even if I have received an email from you with no problems in the past, a lot of these emails are going into spam now – no idea why! Fortunately, I am aware of the problem and always check my spam folder before emptying it, but for those that are waiting for a response from me, may not be aware that it is already there, just hanging out in the spam box. My husband is trying to convince me to switch to a different email provider, like Microsoft Outlook, but I’m a very old dog that doesn’t like the idea of learning new tricks. May give it a shot soon though….
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